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The development and historical past of plate tectonics

Plate tectonics emanates from two words; plate and tectonic. Plate in geological conditions would mean a substantial slab of difficult rock when tectonics in Greek implies’ to build’. Therefore’ plate tectonic might be described as how the earth’s builds on transferring the plate. It can also be well-defined for a phase in the Earth’s lithosphere that may be rigid moves distinctively from these encompassing it (Rodger, 1993).

Concept of plate tectonics states the lithosphere belonging to the earth is generated up of personal plates that fragmented into a variety of large and smallish parts of strong rock. The plates move future to each other in addition to the decreased mantle to develop various kinds of plate borders that have formed the Earth’s landscape through most yrs. (Oreske & Legrand, 2001).

Alfred Wegener, a populous meteorologist, is known to be the founder on the plate tectonic idea. He noticed that the coastline of East South America and that of your west coast of Africa seemed to fit together in a jigsaw manner like to form a bigger plate. He then proposed an idea that all plates (continents) connected to a single huge plate called Pangaea which gradually began to drift apart in excess of 300 million many years ago (Rodger, 1993).

More scientific research on the plates’ coastline revealed that all the plate of earth’s continent somehow fit together. The concept, commonly known as continental drift principle, and Wegener became the founder on the idea on which scientist have based on their now

However, Alfred Wegener plate tectonics concept could not ascertain how exactly the continents drifted away from each individual other. He proposed the earth’s rotations and the centrifugal forces towards the equator as one with the possible mechanism for continental drift. He said that Pangaea started at South Pole and earth’s rotation finally caused it to break up, sending continents toward the equator. His theories were discarded by the scientific community (Rodger, 1993).

Arthur Holmes, (1929), a British geologist, came up with the principle of thermal convection to explain the gradual drift of your Earth’s continents. He based on heating and cooling cycle belonging to the Earth’s mantle that caused the continents to transfer. The Wegner’s idea being borrowed by scientist community in their quest for earth’s shape.

Today scientist have researched and analyzed past pieces of evidence and findings by geologist and scientist to expound and come up with a better ways of explaining plate tectonic theory and forces that were behind the drifting from the plates. It is believed and proofed using geological evidence that earth’s plate at one time was one big supercontinent called Pangaea. Due to three main driving forces namely, mantle convection, gravity, and the Earth’s rotation led to the drifting away within the quite a few plate from the main one. Some major plates (continents) formed which include North America, South America, Eurasia, Africa, Indo-Australian, Pacific, and Antarctica.

Expounding on the three main driving forces for the movement in the Earth’s tectonic plates; Mantle convection is the most extensively studied technique of tectonic plate movement. It was widely discussed by Holmes in 1929, in his theory. The large convection current of molten material in the Earth’s upper mantle produces a lot of energies which is transferred to lower mantle. The cheaper mantle material finds their way to the crust causing the embedded rock to move away and out from the ridge thus going the plate. Evident of this is present in mid-ocean ridges.

Gravity evidenced by the mid-ocean ridges where the elevation is higher than the surrounding ocean floor. Convection currents within the Earth cause decreased mantle material to rise and spread away from the ridge, causing the older material to flow toward the ocean floor due to gravity and aid in the movement for the plates. Then lastly earth rotation is caused by centrifugal forces as the earth rotates (Oreskes $ Legrand, 2001).

Plates design different styles of your boundaries as they interact with their movement. Some for the boundaries established include the Divergent boundaries form when a plate breaks along certain lines of weakness and move away from just about every other forming a new crust, for instance, Mid-ocean ridges. The other boundary is called Convergent boundaries and created when two plates collide with one another causing the sinking of one plate below the other. Transform boundaries forms at the location where new crust created and without destroying it.

Today, through research, scientists have come up with shreds of evidence proving that earth plates were once super plate that split into the current Continent. One on the evidence is the jig-saw fitting with the East coast of South America, west coast of Africa appear to fit into one another. Also, Fossils remains of plants and animals collected by scientist around the world showed similarities that were cumbersome to explain unless continents had once joined. For instance, Cynognathus was a land reptile; its Fossils remain present both Africa and South America. Thus proving which the two continents joined as one, millions of ages ago, (Oreskes $ Legrand, 2001). Scientists have also found out from the evidence of earthquakes happened continually and occurred along certain lines, near the boundaries between tectonic plates.

As Wegener’s ideas form the basis why the landscape within the earth is the way it is, scientist community has advanced the methodology of studying the plate tectonic concept currently. They use the satellite to study evidences of plate tectonic where they position it a great many kilometers away from the earth surface. From the satellite statistics, it is evidenced that the plates go linearly and away from just about every other at the speed of 10mm to 100mm per year. Thus proving that plate tectonic principle that is earth was once one plate that gradually drifted apart in excess of millions of many years back to form the current continents.

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